Portrait Photographer Research Assignment

Photo By: Bangkok Photography

This photo taken by Bangkok photography captures what portrait photography is all about because only the subject’s face is in focus. The background is still lit up which brightens the picture as a whole. The photographer used standard three-point lighting photography as you can see how outlined the subject’s face is in the photo. The key light created this bright skin tone and texture on the subject and the fill light successfully covered up all shadows as the backlight created the outline around the model’s head.

Photo By: Peter Arciero

This photo taken by Peter Arciero greatly reflects standard one-point lighting because this single light created a shadow off of the subject’s arm and face. Since this photo is in black and white, it increases the depth of the shadows which makes the subject or the model’s face stand out even more than it already does.      

Photo By: Nasey

This photo taken by Nasey is a great portrait because the subject or model’s face is the only part of the picture that is in focus. Since this photo is in black and white, it increases the depth of the shadows which makes the subject or the model’s face stand out even more than it already does. There is only one light being used in this photo as you can see how the subject’s face and shoulder’s and arms are lit up but there is no outline around her face.       

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